56 research outputs found

    Comprehensive forensic examination with Belkasoft evidence center

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    The enhancement and proliferation of information and communication technology (ICT) has tackled every aspect of human activity: work, leisure, sport, communication, medicine, etc. All around us we can see mobile phones and other connected devices that are now ubiquitous, changing trends in consumer behaviour. Therefore, there is no surprise in fact that such technologies can play a significant role in committing or assisting a crime, since data held on digital devices can give a detailed insight into peopleā€™s lives, communications, contacts, friends, family and acquaintances. In order to help law enforcement investigation of such crimes, digital forensic is performed with the aim of collecting crime-related evidence from various digital media and analyse it. Investigators use various forensic techniques to search hidden folders, retrieve deleted data, decrypt the data or restore damaged files, etc. Obtaining evidence such as location data, photos, messages or internet searches can be beneficial, if not crucial, in assisting the police with criminal investigations. Since advances in technologies have led to an increase in the volume, variety, velocity, and veracity of data available for digital forensic analysis, without efficient techniques and tools such investigation would require a tremendous amount of effort and time. That is the reason for expansion in the market of digital forensic tools, both proprietary and free for use, that are available today. In this paper an insight of digital forensic process is given, emphasizing the role of digital forensic tools in providing digital evidence. The possibility of one particular tool, Belkasoft Evidence Center ā€“ BEC, in acquisition and analysis of digital evidence was briefly described

    Pretnje biometrijskim sistemima i pretnje od njih

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    There is a great interest in use of biometric identification systems in wide area of application since they have some advantages over other systems for authenticity check. Nevertheless it is necessary to emphasis their limitations regarding security on the occasion of different sources of attacks. Also it is important to consider possible threats of biometrics systems on the people as result of their implementation, especially it is necessary to notice the endanger of privacy aspect in inadequate use of biometric systems.Postoji veliki interes za koriŔćenje biometrike u Å”irokom spektru aplikacija za identifikaciju zbog toga Å”to oni imaju niz prednosti u odnosu na druge sisteme za proveru autentičnosti. Međutim sa aspekta sigurnosti nužno je ukazati na mogućnosti biometrijskih sistema i odrediti stepen njihove ugroženosti od različitih vrsta napada. Takođe je potrebno razmotriti moguće pretnje i neželjene posledice upotrebe biometrijskih sistema uz poseban naglasak na problem ugrožavanja privatnosti pri neodgovarajućem koriŔćenju ovih sistema

    Zlonamerni programi

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    Today, during the epoch of informatics and human progress, there is a big interest for malware programs as well as for the programs used for protection against them. Malware is each program which has ability for moving into someone's computer system with intention to disable, or at least make difficult, work of this independent or network user. Natural residence of malware is Internet. It is impossible to give precise taxonomy of malware because their number is increased each day. The term computer virus is often wrongly used as universal phrase for all malware, including and real viruses.Danas, u informatičkoj epohi razvoja ljudskog druÅ”tva, postoji veliki interes za proučavanje zlonamernog programa (malware) i odgovarajućih programa za zaÅ”titu od njega. Zlonamerni ili nepoželjni program je svaki koji poseduje sposobnost useljavanja u računarski sistem korisnika u nameri da na bilo koji način oteža pa i onemogući rad samostalnog ili umreženog korisnika, pri čemu je prirodno staniÅ”te nepoželjnog programa Internet. Precizna taksonomija neopoželjnih programa je onemogućena pre svega njihovim svakodnevnim uvećavanjem. Pri tome se, često pogreÅ”no, termin kompjuterski virus upotrebljava kao sveobuhvatna fraza koja podrazumeva sve nepoželjne programe uključujući i prave viruse

    Zlonamerni programi

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    Today, during the epoch of informatics and human progress, there is a big interest for malware programs as well as for the programs used for protection against them. Malware is each program which has ability for moving into someone's computer system with intention to disable, or at least make difficult, work of this independent or network user. Natural residence of malware is Internet. It is impossible to give precise taxonomy of malware because their number is increased each day. The term computer virus is often wrongly used as universal phrase for all malware, including and real viruses.Danas, u informatičkoj epohi razvoja ljudskog druÅ”tva, postoji veliki interes za proučavanje zlonamernog programa (malware) i odgovarajućih programa za zaÅ”titu od njega. Zlonamerni ili nepoželjni program je svaki koji poseduje sposobnost useljavanja u računarski sistem korisnika u nameri da na bilo koji način oteža pa i onemogući rad samostalnog ili umreženog korisnika, pri čemu je prirodno staniÅ”te nepoželjnog programa Internet. Precizna taksonomija neopoželjnih programa je onemogućena pre svega njihovim svakodnevnim uvećavanjem. Pri tome se, često pogreÅ”no, termin kompjuterski virus upotrebljava kao sveobuhvatna fraza koja podrazumeva sve nepoželjne programe uključujući i prave viruse

    Pretnje biometrijskim sistemima i pretnje od njih

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    There is a great interest in use of biometric identification systems in wide area of application since they have some advantages over other systems for authenticity check. Nevertheless it is necessary to emphasis their limitations regarding security on the occasion of different sources of attacks. Also it is important to consider possible threats of biometrics systems on the people as result of their implementation, especially it is necessary to notice the endanger of privacy aspect in inadequate use of biometric systems.Postoji veliki interes za koriŔćenje biometrike u Å”irokom spektru aplikacija za identifikaciju zbog toga Å”to oni imaju niz prednosti u odnosu na druge sisteme za proveru autentičnosti. Međutim sa aspekta sigurnosti nužno je ukazati na mogućnosti biometrijskih sistema i odrediti stepen njihove ugroženosti od različitih vrsta napada. Takođe je potrebno razmotriti moguće pretnje i neželjene posledice upotrebe biometrijskih sistema uz poseban naglasak na problem ugrožavanja privatnosti pri neodgovarajućem koriŔćenju ovih sistema

    Fingerprint minutiae filtering based on multiscale directional information

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    Automatic identification of humans based on their fingerprints is still one of the most reliable identification methods in criminal and forensic applications, and is widely applied in civil applications as well. Most automatic systems available today use distinctive fingerprint features called minutiae for fingerprint comparison. Conventional feature extraction algorithm can produce a large number of spurious minutiae if fingerprint pattern contains large regions of broken ridges (often called creases). This can drastically reduce the recognition rate in automatic fingerprint identification systems. We can say that for performance of those systems it is more important not to extract spurious (false) minutia even though it means some genuine might be missing as well. In this paper multiscale directional information obtained from orientation field image is used to filter those spurious minutiae, resulting in multiple decrease of their number

    An effective and robust fingerprint enhancement by adaptive filtering in frequency domain

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    Extensive research of automatic fingerprint identification system (AFIS), although started in the early 1960s, has not yet give the answer to reliable fingerprint recognition problem. A critical step for AFIS accuracy is reliable extraction of features (mostly minutiae) from the input fingerprint image. However, the effectiveness of a feature extraction relies heavily on the quality of the input fingerprint images. This leads to the incorporation of a fingerprint enhancement module in fingerprint recognition system to make the system robust with respect to the quality of input fingerprint images. In this paper we propose an adaptive filtering in frequency domain in order to enhance fingerprint image. Two different directional filters are proposed and results are compared

    Primena metoda matematičke statistike u istražnom postupku

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    The probability that lawbreaker is in the circle of k suspicious persons is defined. The probability is treated as random variable, while number of the suspicious is the parameter of distribution. This distribution is of exponential type. Going over to new random variable and using maximum-likelihood method, two new exponential distributions are found. One of them makes a narrower circle of suspicious persons with respect to the initial one, while the other widens it. The numbers of stable as well as unstable evidence points are defined in using analogy with currents in RL and RC electrical circuit. RL circuit corresponds to stable points and RC circuit corresponds to unstable ones. The criterion of assessing unstable points (statements of witnesses) with respect to stable points (forensic experiments) is given. It turns out that translating factor for unstable points lies within interval (0.95 and 0.5).Definisana je eksponencijalna raspodela verovatnoće da se krivac nađe u krugu od klica. Verovatnoća se tretira kao slučajna varijabla, dok je broj osumnjičenih parametar raspodele. Linearnom raspodelom polazne slučajne varijable na novu slučajnu varijablu, uz primenu metoda maksimalne verodostojnosti, definisane su dve nove eksponencijalne raspodele od kojih jedna sužava broj osumnjičenih a druga ga povećava. Brojevi indicijskih poena definisani su po analogiji sa strujom u električnim kolima. Sigurnim poenima koje daju forenzička istraživanja korespondirano je RL kolo, a nesigurnim koji se dobijaju na osnovu izjava osumnjičenih i izjava svedoka korespondirano je LC kolo. Ustanovljen je kriterijum vrednovanja nesigurnih poena i pokazano je da se faktor pretvaranja nesigurnih poena u sigurne kreće između 0,95 i 0,5

    Comprehensive forensic examination with Belkasoft evidence center

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    The enhancement and proliferation of information and communication technology (ICT) has tackled every aspect of human activity: work, leisure, sport, communication, medicine, etc. All around us we can see mobile phones and other connected devices that are now ubiquitous, changing trends in consumer behaviour. Therefore, there is no surprise in fact that such technologies can play a significant role in committing or assisting a crime, since data held on digital devices can give a detailed insight into peopleā€™s lives, communications, contacts, friends, family and acquaintances. In order to help law enforcement investigation of such crimes, digital forensic is performed with the aim of collecting crime-related evidence from various digital media and analyse it. Investigators use various forensic techniques to search hidden folders, retrieve deleted data, decrypt the data or restore damaged files, etc. Obtaining evidence such as location data, photos, messages or internet searches can be beneficial, if not crucial, in assisting the police with criminal investigations. Since advances in technologies have led to an increase in the volume, variety, velocity, and veracity of data available for digital forensic analysis, without efficient techniques and tools such investigation would require a tremendous amount of effort and time. That is the reason for expansion in the market of digital forensic tools, both proprietary and free for use, that are available today. In this paper an insight of digital forensic process is given, emphasizing the role of digital forensic tools in providing digital evidence. The possibility of one particular tool, Belkasoft Evidence Center ā€“ BEC, in acquisition and analysis of digital evidence was briefly described

    Comprehensive forensic examination with Belkasoft evidence center

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    The enhancement and proliferation of information and communication technology (ICT) has tackled every aspect of human activity: work, leisure, sport, communication, medicine, etc. All around us we can see mobile phones and other connected devices that are now ubiquitous, changing trends in consumer behaviour. Therefore, there is no surprise in fact that such technologies can play a significant role in committing or assisting a crime, since data held on digital devices can give a detailed insight into peopleā€™s lives, communications, contacts, friends, family and acquaintances. In order to help law enforcement investigation of such crimes, digital forensic is performed with the aim of collecting crime-related evidence from various digital media and analyse it. Investigators use various forensic techniques to search hidden folders, retrieve deleted data, decrypt the data or restore damaged files, etc. Obtaining evidence such as location data, photos, messages or internet searches can be beneficial, if not crucial, in assisting the police with criminal investigations. Since advances in technologies have led to an increase in the volume, variety, velocity, and veracity of data available for digital forensic analysis, without efficient techniques and tools such investigation would require a tremendous amount of effort and time. That is the reason for expansion in the market of digital forensic tools, both proprietary and free for use, that are available today. In this paper an insight of digital forensic process is given, emphasizing the role of digital forensic tools in providing digital evidence. The possibility of one particular tool, Belkasoft Evidence Center ā€“ BEC, in acquisition and analysis of digital evidence was briefly described
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